New York's 25 Most Common Surnames: Are you on the list?
Can you guess which names made the list of the top 25 most common surnames across New York State?
The most common surnames across New York State include some expected monikers and some very unexpected ones. Data from and 24/7 Wall St. revealed the 50 most common last names in America. Their full methodology is outlined here. As luck would have it, Ancestry then took it a step beyond. They outlined the 25 most common surnames in New York.
The ranking includes a diverse smattering of surnames from the unsurprising Smiths to the growing number of Perez families. Some surnames are especially regional, with Martin, Anderson and Lewis getting top billing among upstate towns like Woodstock, NY and the greater Albany area. Monikers including Perez, Lopez and Rivera seem to be more heavily concentrated downstate and in the areas surrounding NYC.
Unsplash, @joshuaearle
#25 Moore
New York total: 26,799
New York ratio: 1:740
National rank: #18
#24 Jackson
New York total: 26,926
New York ratio: 1:737
National rank: #19
#23 Anderson
New York total: 27,107
New York ratio: 1:732
National rank: #15
#22 Thompson
New York total: 27,277
New York ratio: 1:727
National rank: #23
#21 Taylor
New York total: 27,579
New York ratio: 1:719
National rank: #17
#20 Lewis
New York total: 29,117
New York ratio: 1:681
National rank: #29
#19 Lopez
New York total: 29,197
New York ratio: 1:679
National rank: #12
#18 Martin
New York total: 29,288
New York ratio: 1:677
National rank: #20
#17 Perez
New York total: 29,522
New York ratio: 1:672
National rank: #22
#16 Garcia
New York total: 30,468
New York ratio: 1:651
National rank: #6
#15 Martinez
New York total: 30,544
New York ratio: 1:649
National rank: #10
#14 White
New York total: 30,555
New York ratio: 1:649
National rank: #24
#13 Gonzalez
New York total: 31,747
New York ratio: 1:625
National rank: #13
#12 Wilson
New York total: 32,484
New York ratio: 1:611
National rank: #14
#11 Thomas
New York total: 37,114
New York ratio: 1:534
National rank: #16
#10 Rivera
New York total: 38,486
New York ratio: 1:515
National rank: #46
#9 Davis
New York total: 42,852
New York ratio: 1:463
National rank: #8
#8 Lee
New York total: 49,088
New York ratio: 1:404
National rank: #21
#7 Rodriguez
New York total: 53,820
New York ratio: 1:369
National rank: #9
#6 Jones
New York total: 53,878
New York ratio: 1:368
National rank: #5
#5 Miller
New York total: 54,856
New York ratio: 1:362
National rank: #7
#4 Johnson
New York total: 68,760
New York ratio: 1:288
National rank: #2
#3 Williams
New York total: 71,973
New York ratio: 1: 276
National rank: #3
#2 Brown
New York total: 72,320
New York ratio: 1:274
National rank: #4
#1 Smith
New York total: 114, 166
New York ratio: 1:174
National rank: #1
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